Jane Kristoffy

Mar 30, 2020

Sleep & Adolescence

A new study out of Harvard shows that getting on a regular sleep routine results in better performance.⁠

61 students were monitored over a 30-day period.⁠

Students who kept regular sleep routines (same bed time and same wake up time daily) had marked improvement in their grades.⁠

Here are the general findings:⁠

1) You can sleep until 10am (or whatever time you like). You don't have to wake up at 6am after all.⁠

2) Get on a regular sleep schedule. Same bed time and wake up time daily.⁠

3) Sleeping irregular hours can make you fat.⁠


Concentrate on getting on some kind of sleep routine: your kids, teens, and YOU too!⁠

During school closures and isolation, I'm going to ask my own teenagers to establish a sleep routine that suits them, and allows them to meet their academic responsibilities.⁠..

(and I will supervise quietly from the sidelines) :)

Source: Minda Zetlin. inc.com March 21/20⁠

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