Jane Kristoffy

Jun 1, 2020

Accept, Defer, or Decline & Gap Year? CTV NATIONAL NEWS

Updated: Oct 3, 2020

Thank you to Angie Seth and CTV National News for the chance to share with viewers the realities / decisions faced by graduating high school students this week.

Check out the interview here:

What should they do about post-secondary plans for September 2020? The deadline for accepting university offers was June 1st.


1) accept university admission offers and begin postsecondary programs in an unknown fall;


2) take a COVID gap year with likely limited opportunities;


3) accept an admission offer and request a deferral -- but there are no guarantees to be granted deferrals by universities. And not getting a deferral then forces a new decision: proceed to school in the fall... or take a gap year (which means back to the drawing board with applications, and a possible Double Cohort scenario next spring....think 2003 when Gr 13 was eliminated in Ontario).

It’s tough all around at a time when life should be fun and exciting. There’s no easy choice!

Thorough decisions involve weighing the pros and cons of all three scenarios, and really knowing who you are and what you want and need.

Best wishes to the class of 2020!

My heart goes out to you at this time. I know you’ll make the year great!